Je désirerais compléter ce qui a été dit sur Lyman Lemnitzer et l’opération Northwoods (à mon avis, assez similaire aux Tueries du Brabant). Pour simplifier, l’idée était de tuer des Américains et de faire porter le chapeau aux Cubains afin que l’opinion publique des USA accepte que l’armée dirigée par Lemnitzer attaque Fidel Castro.
False Flag Operations: Declassified Military Documents Show How US Government Planned Terrorist Attacks Against its Own Citizens
New York, NY (PRWEB) September 7, 2006
As reported by ABC News, stunning military documents codenamed “Operation Northwoods” were declassified in recent years and show how in 1962, the top US military leaders planned an operation to create terror attacks against its own cities and kill US citizens.
The documents state that through the fabrication of false evidence, the US would blame Cuba and gain public support for an unpopular war against Castro. They included developing a fake Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, the use of airplanes, and much more.
For further details, the now declassified military documents are available at the National Security Archive of the George Washington University:
In his newly published book “Towers of Deception The Media Cover-Up of 9/11,” Barrie Zwicker, writes about Operation Northwoods and many other such operations that the military and intelligence community refer to as “false flag operations.”
Zwicker is a lifelong journalist who was a media critic for 35 years and who often appeared on Canadian national TV and radio.
His book explains that these covert operations are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities, such as other countries or terrorist groups, to help demonize them and justify wars for geopolitical reasons and for financial gains.
The term “false flag” is derived from the naval warfare concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own.
The ABC News article dated May 1, 2001 explains that Operation Northwoods was approved and signed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Eisenhower appointee Army General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, and was presented to Kennedys Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962.
A year earlier, President Eisenhower, apparently aware of such dangers, had warned the nation during his January 17, 1961 farewell address:
“In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.”
General Lemnitzer, the Eisenhower appointee and highest ranking officer of the US military in 1962, recommended that Operation Northwoods be run by the military. It was signed and approved by all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the panel comprising the highest-ranking members of each major branch of the Armed Forces.
As per the ABC News article, the only reason why Operation Northwoods did not materialize in 1962 was because it was apparently turned down by President John F. Kennedy.
By law, the President of the United States is the commander in chief. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Army, the Marine Corps, the Navy, the Air Force and the Coast Guard, are all under his command.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff website explains that based on the Goldwater-Nichols DOD Reorganization Act of 1986, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is today the principal military adviser to the President but doesnt exercise military command over any combatant forces.
The ABC News article quotes author of “Body of Secrets Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency,” James Bamford, a former Washington Investigative Producer for ABCs World News Tonight. He says that if such war plans against American cities were put into operation, it would have amounted to treason.
Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them…”
Bamford goes on to say that around that time, “the Senate Foreign Relations Committee published its own report on right-wing extremism in the military, warning a considerable danger in the education and propaganda activities of military personnel had been uncovered. The committee even called for an examination of any ties between Lemnitzer and right-wing groups. But Congress didn’t get wind of Northwoods…”
Media critic Zwicker says that today, Congress and journalists have access to the declassified documents of Operation Northwoods and that the media must indeed reflect on Eisenhowers warning of vigilance and be willing to learn and investigate more, publish more and broadcast more information about false flag operations to help prevent such acts of treason from being committed in the future.
In his controversial book critical of both the 9/11 “official story” and the media coverage of the events, Zwicker goes through the history of false flag operations dating back to the 1600s, and among many examples, cites the February 27th,1933 fire of the German Parliament (Reichstag fire) three days prior to Germanys federal election.
Historians later documented that the fire had been authorized by right-wing Nazis where Hitler used the event to declare a state of emergency and pressured the German President, Hindenburg, to sign a decree abolishing most of the human rights provisions of the Constitution.
Recently, on August 29th 2006, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld recounted what he called “the lessons of history,” including the failed efforts to appease the right-wing Adolf Hitler regime of the 1930s.
“I recount this history because once again we face the same kind of challenges in efforts to confront the rising threat of a new type of fascism,” said Rumsfeld.
As a senior media critic, Zwicker strongly recommends that all media people indeed follow Rumsfelds suggestions in learning the lessons of Nazi history. He points to researching Hitlers rise to power and how he created a fascist state where there was suppression of the opposition through secrecy, terror, torture and censorship, all justified under nationalism and patriotism.
He also believes that journalists should research and publish more about how Hitler’s Nazis manipulated the German population into wars, using psychological manipulation and behavior modification by inducing trauma and fear in others, a process of trauma-based mind control referred to in the now declassified CIA files of “MK ULTRA.” To order declassified MK ULTRA documents from the CIA, go to:
Zwicker believes that the media must investigate and report on whether these fear-based psychological manipulation techniques have been or are being put into application by US leaders in our post 9/11 world, as they appear to be. 9/11 caused much trauma and fear.
Concerned with the direction that the US has headed since 9/11, Dr. Robert M. Bowman, referring to the Bush / Cheney administration during a radio interview, said: “I think there’s been nothing closer to fascism than what we’ve seen lately from this government.
Bowman is a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, a recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, a former head of the US “Star Wars” space weapons program during the Ford and Carter administration
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U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
By David Ruppe
N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001
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Je voudrais aussi rappeler que le SACEUR est la patron des organisations “Stay-behind”.
C’est lorsque Lyman Lemnitzer était SACEUR et que Guy Weber était son assistant au SHAPE qu’a eu lieu le coup des colonels en Grèce. Or, il semble maintenant clair que le coup d’Etat des colonels a été mené par le Stay-behind grec (LOK). Evidemment, Guy Weber ne parle absolument pas de cela dans ses livres … sans doute son expérience de la “Counter-information”.
Jean Herve
Bedankt voor die info over Northwoods en die Amerikaanse mij tot nu onbekende Amerikaanse generaal. Verbazing wekt dit natuurlijk helemaal niet. Iets stelen en het dan op een ander steken die toevallig passeerde is zo oud als de straat en dit verhaal is er alleen een van een grotere omvang.
Wel een opmerking. Volgens mijn informatie was de Nederlandse radikale socialist Marinus Van der Lubbe wel de dader van de brandstichting van de Duitse Reichstag. Ik heb ooit nog een vriend van hem ontmoet en beschik hier thuis over een boekje erover dat zijn gefloofsgenoten publiceerden. Hij heeft dat blijkbaar wel degelijk gedaan. Wat wel kan, en wat niemand ooit uitsloot, is dat men hem volgde of provoceerde en zo hielp om zijn doel te bereiken. En zij zo hun doel. Ook dit is een klassieker. Zie Pearl Harbour en vermoedelijk 9/11.
Willy Van Damme