Channel: Reacties voor Willy Van Damme's Weblog
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Reactie op Topzionist steunt jodenhaters door democratie hebben we laten verkrachten


Idd.niet de errste keer. voorbeelden uit 2 ruim 100 jaar geschiedenis, waarin de eersten steevast de tweeden voor hun bruine agenda inschakelen. Dat wordt zorgvuldig uit onze geschiedenisboekjes gegumd. ´Wat niet weet, wat niet deert´ – rare uitspraak, bedacht om honden te laten slapen.

Allen Dulles and OUN-B
CIA/MI6 Use of Nazis In Ukraine Ongoing? by William F. Wertz, Jr.
While the MI6 and BND worked with Bandera, the CIA worked instead with Lebed, from 1950, until the so-called end of the Cold War in 1990. Once in the United States, he became the CIA’s chief contact for Operation Aerodynamic, which was the successor to the earlier Operation Cartel. These operations were for “the support, development and exploitation of the Ukrainian underground movement for resistance and intelligence purposes.” Lebed died in 1998. He is buried in New Jersey.

What we are seeing in Ukraine today, is the same fascist policy pursued by Allen Dulles, this time under Barack Obama. http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2014/2014_1-9/2014-08/pdf/35-36_4108.pdf

The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) turned its guns against the Russians after the defeat of the Nazis and were supported by British agents until they were crushed in 1953.

Members of Ukraine’s Russian minority and communists condemned the recognition of the fighters who killed tens of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian communists with the help of MI6 and the CIA. http://www.videofact.com/ukraina_po1945.htm

The ex-Israeli soldier who led a Kiev fighting unit
‘Delta’ has headed ‘the Blue Helmets of Maidan’ of 40 men and women – including several IDF veterans – in violent clashes with government forces.
By JTA | Feb. 28, 2014 | 10:43 PM | 49 •Haaretz.com הארץ http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/1.577114

“Shadow CIA” Stratfor on Ukraine: drive back Russia and look on Germany ” “Stratfor” analyses are popular as profound and quick information on conflict situations, regional and country developments, not only among journalists but also with government institutions, companies and scientific institutes

US support for the protest movements in Ukraine are a means to restrict Russia’s attentions to its own region and to keep it from an offensive against the United States.
The dominant actor in this game is Germany …
.. The reportedly tight relationships with one of the most important opposition protesters in Kiev,

Indeed, German politics massively supports the Ukrainian opposition and, most prominently, the possible candidate for presidency Vitali Klitschko and his UDAR (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform) party. And this has been going on for a few years. The party was founded in April 2010 and was built up with help from the German Konrad-Adenauer Foundation which is related to the CDU.

Many experts drew attention to the fact that the dividends from the promoted European Union Association Agreements are evident for the European Union only. For Ukraine and our other neighbours the entry into force of trade and economic sections of association agreements would lead to:
 many years of economic disarray,
 de-industrialisation, the ruining of farms and, as a consequence,
 the growth of unemployment
 and a reduction in the level of life of the population. [...]

To that end, we understand the causes which have motived the Ukrainian government “to take a break” in the process of European integration, to think over the mechanisms of compensation of losses for the Ukrainian economy as a consequence of entry of the EUAA into force. A proposition to study this issue jointly was addressed to the European Union and Russia. However, in response to this step by Kiev, Brussels started to press the Ukrainian government even harder, trying to convince it to agree to sign this agreement by any means


The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine
News | 03.03.2014 | 18:42

According to the New York Times, “The United States and the European Union have embraced the revolution here as another flowering of democracy, a blow to authoritarianism and kleptocracy in the former Soviet space.” (After Initial Triumph, Ukraine’s Leaders Face Battle for Credibility, NYTimes.com, March 1, 2014, emphasis added)

Andriy Parubiy [right] co-founder of the Neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine
Parubiy was one of the main leaders behind the Orange Revolution in 2004.
His organization was funded by the West.
Parubiy together with party leader Oleh Tyahnybok is a follower of Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandera, who collaborated in the mass murderer of Jews and Poles during World War II. http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2014/03/03/the-us-has-installed-a-neo-nazi-government-in-ukraine.html

The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) turned its guns against the Russians after the defeat of the Nazis and were supported by British agents until they were crushed in 1953.

Members of Ukraine’s Russian minority and communists condemned the recognition of the fighters who killed tens of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian communists with the help of MI6 and the CIA. http://www.videofact.com/ukraina_po1945.htm

The ex-Israeli soldier who led a Kiev fighting unit
‘Delta’ has headed ‘the Blue Helmets of Maidan’ of 40 men and women – including several IDF veterans – in violent clashes with government forces.
By JTA | Feb. 28, 2014 | 10:43 PM | 49 •Haaretz.com הארץ http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/1.577114
Ukraine Neo-Nazi Party Threatens Russia with Nukes: “We’ll Regain our Nuclear Status in 6 Months We’ll regain our status as a nuclear power and that’ll change the conversation. Ukraine has all the technological means needed to create a nuclear arsenal – which would take us about three to six months,” Svoboda party MP Mikhail Golovko said. http://www.globalresearch.ca/ukraine-neo-nazi-party-threatens-russia-with-nuclear-weapons-well-regain-our-nuclear-status/5371524?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ukraine-neo-nazi-party-threatens-russia-with-nuclear-weapons-well-regain-our-nuclear-status
The IMF will wring out what Ukraine owes to pay off old credits. I don’t exclude the IMF and Ukraine may stage a play called the «talks on granting a credit». Each side would pursue its own interest in this game. The International Monetary Fund will try to pressure Kiev into the reforms in the spirit of «Washington’s consensus». http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2014/03/04/imf-and-ukraine-bleak-prospects-for-future.html
“The great Russian revolution was indeed accomplished by the hands of the Jews. (M. Cohen, The Communist, April 12th, 1919)
Het State department decimal file (861.00/5339) dat zelfs de titel draagt ‘Bolsjewisme en Judaïsme’ (gedateerd op 13 november 1918) geeft eveneens de namen Isaac Seligman, Guggenheim en Max Breitung weer. Ook Speyer & Co komt in het rapport naar voren. http://achtergeslotendeuren.punt.nl/?id=265819&r=1&tbl_archief=0

Trotzky organized, with the help of his friends, the attempt on Lenin’s life by Kaplan.<

. On the horizon of a hungry Germany there sparkled the meteor of Hitler.’

“They” sent their ambassador there. I even know his name: it was one of the Warburgs. the upkeep of the S.A. and S.S. and also the financing of the elections which took place, which gave Hitler power, are done on the Dollars and Marks sent by “Them.” ‘<

Lev Bronstein en Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov – beter bekend door hun aliassen Trotski en Lenin-die de werkelijke beginselen van de communistische partij ontwikkeld, werden gefinancierd in hun atheïstische revolutionaire activiteiten door sommige zeer rijke buitenlandse bankiers.

In zijn boek de strijd voor de wereld kracht (’Struggle for World Power’), Russische historicus George Knupffer gesloten, was"het belangrijkste punt dat deze revolutie eerst werd gesteund en vooral door bepaalde kringen aan wie nationale grenzen van geen belang waren en die dacht dat en gehandeld internationaal te allen tijde."

George Soros komt oorspronkelijk uit een Joodse familie, die echter zijn naam wijzigde en zich volledig tegen zijn afkomst keerde. Soros noemde ‘1944’ het beste jaar van zijn leven, want toen werd 70% van zijn in Hongarije levende mede-Joden door Hitler uitgeroeid. Soros hielp de Nazi’s zelfs bij het inbeslag nemen van de bezittingen van de Joden, en gaf dit ruiterlijk toe in het tv-programma ‘Sixty Minutes’

http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/197289-george-soros-nazi-occupation-was-the-happiest-time-of-my-life.html George Soros, Diamond Cartels, and the Push for Africa’s Destruction: http://larouchepac.com/node/6584 George Bush, John Kerry, Yale connexion, de onzichtbare wereldregering: http://bilderberg.org/skulbone.htm George-Soros-connections: http://logisticsmonster.com/2010/10/21/spooky-dude-george-soros-connections/
Democratie hebben we laten verkrachten
Bedankt voor je informatie. Dat van de aanwezigheid op Maidan van gewezen Israëlische militairen geraakt stilaan beter gekend.
En het is ook duidelijk dat zionistische kringen en Israël zelf nauw met die fascistische groepen samenwerkten.
In bepaalde fascistische kringen is men trouwsens hierover zeer kwaad.
De vraag is hoeveel buitenlandse agitatoren er daar waren.

Sommige van je beweringen zijn hier eerder al ter sprake gekomen en lijken historisch erg twijfelachtig of niet te kloppen. Dat van Marx en de familie Rotschild bijvoorbeeld is historisch en zeker politiek van praktisch geen waarde.
OUN-B was de fascistische organisatie van Stepan Bandera.
Wat betreft de rest wens ik mij gezien een gebrek aan kennis te onthouden.
Willy Van Damme

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